Ecoform is the leading technical analysis company in the United States that focuses on the environmental performance of companies and their products and processes. Founded in 2006, but based on the combined 50 year history of its practitioners working through a variety of corporate and university organizations such as The University of Tennessee's Center for Clean Products, the team brings a unique mix of skills to help your company achieve corporate environmental and social responsibility. Ecoform takes pride in its ability to work confidentially with leading corporations across multiple industry sectors to provide critical information that can be used to shape corporate policy. With Ecoform's insight your company will be in a position to lower its environmental footprint, enhance its market brand and public perception, and often save valuable financial resources at the same time. Whether you need something as specific as a detailed product Life Cycle Assessment or as general as an overall corporate sustainability report, we can help.

Ecoform--helping you understand your environmental footprint!
